Sunday, December 24, 2006

Teaching you guys some ball

This post is to teach you guys how to improve your game
So that you can be the best you can be

I have tried to use some of these techniques during my school session when I was working on my game everyday and trust me when I say that the fade away techniques really do work
I almost forgot to mention, this is advice from one of the legends of the game, the man who perfected the fade-away

Michael Jordan

This other clip is about handles and offensive philosophy
A person like me i have handles but i dont know how to use it most effectively

I dont know how many people have had formal training in basketball
I am sure a lot of people just pick up the game and just play and never learn a lot of the fundamentals
I can now look back and say that it is bettter to learn those fundamentals becuase it will improve your street game
Even though the streetball is all about flash, true ballers understand when they see a good baller
and a good baller always has their fundamentals on lock

Last but not least, Michael Jordan teaching you how to do a cross-over
its pretty good
gives you a good start on how to do it
and we will work on this as we go along and we will try to teach you guys how to best do crossovers

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